By Granville Cooley
In Book I “The Cycle of Mars” in the series “The PATTERNS of Gann” I told how a friend and I had put down the square of 144 on the weekly soybean chart of the late 1940 and early 1950 period as Gann had said to do. I said then that our reaction had been “So what?” Since we did not really see anything that caught our eye. Maybe you have done that and maybe you found something or maybe your reaction was the same as ours.
In Book I, I told of how I had laid out the heliocentric planets over this period with a little better luck. But I am never satisfi ed. I keep looking or PATTERNS. I want to fi nd things that make an exact fi t. My friend says I’m too exacting. He thinks I should be satisfi ed if things are within a number or two of being exact.
I have gone back to this chart many times, looking for that exact fi t. One day I took another approach and found what appears to be an exact fi t. At least there were enough of “coincidences of numbers” to make me think I had an exact fi t.
So take a look at the following workout and see what you think. Let’s put down the three important numbers on the chart. 436-the high in January, 1948 44-the low in December 1932 267-the number of weeks from January, 1948.
In my Book I, I told why the number of weeks might be 266, but since Gann had 267, let’s assume that it was not arbitrary. Let’s assume he had a reason for fi guring from that particular date. In other words, he didn’t just one day sit down and make a commentary on this period. He picked 267 weeks from the top for some reason.
He said that the square of 144 could be used for any squares we would like to make. But I put that square aside and decided to pick another. I picked the square of 49 or 7x7.Why? Because the chart we are dealing with is a weekly chart. If we lay down a square of 49, then it comes out on 49 weeks or 343 (49x7) days. And that would be a cube or 7x7x7.
You do not need to make up a square of 49 to look for the coincidences. You don’t need a computer. A hand-held calculator would be helpful, but you can do it with a piece of paper and a pencil. We don’t even have to have the chart. We can just picture it in our mind. At the top we have 436 and down under it we have 44 and on out to the right we can mark our 267 weeks. Now let’s use the square of 49 in the same way Gann told us to use the square of 144.
He subtracted the square of 144 from the top. So let’s subtract 49’s from the top, one at a time slowly and see if we can see any “coincidence of numbers.”
436-49=387, nothing there.
387-49=338, nothing there.
338-49=289, that’s the square of 17,
but doesn’t seem to mean much here. 289-49=240, yes, something here. Do you recognize it. Yes, it is 2/3 of a circle but it is also something else. It is the halfway point between the high of 436 and the low of 44 since 436+44/2=240.
240-49=191, nothing there.
191-49=142, nothing there.
142-49=93, nothing there
93-49=44, certainly something here.
We have subtracted 49 several times from the high of 436 and the result is the low.
So let’s put down the coincidences we have found so far:
(1) 240-the halfway point.
(2) the low of 44, by continually subtracting 49 from 436.
Gann put the square of 144 at the time of the 436 high and worked over, but I saw nothing there.Instead of doing that, I went over to 267 weeks and started subtracting the square of 49 from that. So let’s see if we can fi nd some other coincidence of numbers.
267-49=218. Yes right off we have found the halfway point of 436
218-49=169, another square, not much here apparently, but...
169-49=120, one-third of a circle, but not much else.
120-49=71, nothing here.
71-49=22, one half of the low of 44.
So let’s add those coincidences to the ones we already have:
(1)-240, the half-way point between 44 and 436
(2)-the low of 44, by subtracting 49’s
(3)-218, the half-way point of 436
(4)-22, the half-way point of 44
Just those coincidences alone look pretty good. But I kept looking for any others I might fi nd using the square of 49.
In his work Gann told about subtracting 360 from 436 and getting 76. We could subtract 76 from 436 and get 360. I decided to “add” 76 to 436 and I got 512! 512? Look familiar? Divide it by 8 and you get 64. Got it now? 512 is the cube of 8 or 8x8x8. Well, that’s very interesting you say but what does that have to do with the work at hand.
When we laid down the square of 49 on the weekly chart we were also counting the cube of 7 since a week has 7 days. The cube of 7 is 7x7x7 or 343. If you draw a 45 degree line down from 436 it will cross the week of 267 at 169. Or to put it another way 436-267 is 169. This coming out on a square (13x13) always intrigued me.
Remember in Gann’s discussion of the hexagon chart he mentioned that 169 was important for more reasons than one? I always wondered about that as maybe you have to. But somewhere along the way I found out one of the reasons. Let’s now subtract the cube of 7 from the cube of 8. 512-343=169! That’s right. The difference in the cube of 7 and the cube of 8 is the same as 436-267.
So there is another coincidence to add to our list.
(1)-240, the half-way point between 44 and 436
(2)-the low of 44, by subtracting 49’s
(3)-218, the half-way point of 436
(4)-22, the half-way point of 44
(5)-The 45 degree angle from 436 crosses the week of 267 at 169 which is also the difference in the cube of 7 and the cube of 8.
But I wasn’t done looking yet. You know me. Always adding, subtracting numbers, etc. I decided to “add” 267 to 436 and I got 703. To you that might not mean too much but it stuck out like a sore thumb to me. 703 is the triangle of 37. Look it up and see where it falls on the Square of Nine chart. It is also a Teleois angle (the book on that is in the works).
Now subtract 343 (the cube of 7) from 703 and you get 360! So let’s add those coincidences to our list.
(1)-240, the half-way point between 44 and 436
(2)-the low of 44, by subtracting 49’s
(3)-218, the half-way point of 436
(4)-22, the half-way point of 44
(5)-The 45 degree angle from 436 crosses the week of 267 at 169 which is also the difference in the cube of 7 and the cube of 8.
(6)-Adding 267 to 436 is 703, the triangle of 37.
(7)-Subtracting 343 from 703 is 360.
And now for some more.
When I added 76 to 436 and got 512, the cube of 8, I found that 436 was the “arithmetic mean” between 360 and the cube of 8 since 360 plus 76 is 436. (The arithmetic and geometric means were discussed in Book IV-”On the Square.”) The difference in 343, the cube of 7, and 267 is 76.
The number of weeks from the high of 436 to the low of 202 was 56 weeks. And for those of you who read Book IV you will recognize that as the geometric mean between the square of 7 and the square of 8 since 7x8 is 56.
In my book “On the Square” I showed where some prices were the differences in squares. We can see that the difference in 436 and 44 is a difference in several squares of 7. The difference is also equal to two squares, two squares of 14 since 14x14 is 196 and two times 196 is 392 and 436-44 is 392.
Now let’s add those coincidences to our list.
(1)-240, the half-way point between 44 and 436
(2)-the low of 44, by subtracting 49’s
(3)-218, the half-way point of 436
(4)-22, the half-way point of 44
(5)-The 45 degree angle from 436 crosses the week of 267 at 169 which is also the difference in the cube of 7 and the cube of 8.
(6)-Adding 267 to 436 is 703, the triangle of 37.
(7)-Subtracting 343 from 703 is 360.
(8)-436 is the arithmetic mean between 360 and the cube of 8.
(9)-76 is the difference in the cube of 7 and 267.
(10) From the high in January, 1948 to the low in February of 1949 is 56 weeks and 56 is the geometric mean between the square of 7 and the square of 8.
(11)436-44 is 392 which equals the sum of two squares of 14.
There are 11 coincidences in numbers we found with our original three numbers. What does it mean and how can they be used? Frankly I don’t know. But it sure cries for more study!
OK, want some more!
The difference in the cube of 7 (343) and the cube of 5 (125) is 218! The halfway point from 436.
In other words if we had an overlay with the cubes marked on it, when we put the cube of 7 (343) on 436, the cube of 5 (125) would fall on 218.
Where would the end of our overlay fall? Since 436 minus 343 is 93, the end of the overlay would fall on 93. Is the number 93 signifi cant? Why don’t you subtract 44 from it. You get 49!
Granville Cooley is author of the new book “The Patterns of Gann” available from TradersWorld. 800-288-4266
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