WD Gann was many things. Above all he was a prolific researcher and writer. Unfortunately much of what Gann wrote, as well as much of what has been written about him, is so mystifying, complicated, and convoluted that most Gann students give up disappointed in spirit and lighter in the wallet. I have paid more for one Gann book than I did for my first car, and the car was a lot more useful! Most of what's available on the Gann Wheel and the Square of Nine is no exception.
WD Gann is reported to have carried two pieces of paper onto the stock and commodities trading floor. A 9x9 table of the numerals 1-81, and a table of numerals that has come to be known as the Gann Wheel. He specially configured for the day's activities. WD Gann sold a variety of trading courses for more than 50 years and so far as we know not one of them ever explained in detail what he did with that 9x9 table or with that other table of numerals, or anything else related to the Square of Nine. Maybe he thought nobody would believe him.
We traveled the usual hyper expensive Gann book route and departed disappointed in spirit and lighter in the wallet but captivated with Gann's comments like " When price and time square change is inevitable " - captivated enough to gather all the fragments of information we could find in WD Gann's work and in others that had had written about the Square of Nine and the Gann Wheel and how it could be applied to stock, options and forex trading. I do not recall a Eureka Moment but at some point it all came together after we were introduced to an uncomplicated formula that converted price and time to degrees of a circle. Out went the Gann Wheel, the overlays, and table size charts for a cheap calculator and a pencil. We found some Square of Nine magic and never looked back! It is a good feeling when people tell us they got more out of our little ebook than the stuff they spent literally thousands of dollars on.
It's a difficult concept to get your mind around but price and time are not only related, they are interchangeable. With our ebook you can take a price, a range, the number of trading days, or the number of calendar days and figure out exactly when each or all of them will square at any time in the future. The formulae for converting price and time to degrees of a circle, and for finding all the future prices and times when a pivot high or pivot low will square on the Square of Nine, and the method for constructing Square of Nine Roadmap charts from a plain price chart are a solid foundation for making the Square of Nine your own without ever touching a paper Gann Wheel. Learning through the examples in the ebook the five ways that the markets square price and time can provide you with knowledge that may not be obtainable by any other means.
The purpose of this work is to explain concisely and in detail simple mathematical and graphical techniques for applying WD Gann's Square of Nine to real world stock, stock option, and forex trading situations. The Square of Nine is not your usual method of technical analysis. It's like nothing you've ever seen. A completely unrelated technique that either confirms or contradicts your usual methods can be invaluable when making decisions. The Square of Nine is not the magic bullet, although it can seem like it at times. It is about as objective as it gets. Either price and time square or they don't.
The ability to draw Roadmap charts in seconds after a change in trend and to use a mathematical formula to check for squaring may even make this modern implementation of the Square of Nine better than what Gann himself had. The recent squaring of price and time in the Bonds is powerful proof of the effectiveness of this magical tool. If we followed Bonds closely we would have known on March 23 that price and time would square on June 3, although we would not have have know at that time that June 3 would be the swing high.
There is nothing else to buy. You do not need an expensive Gann Wheel, or overlays, or compasses or anything else that gets sold in the usual Gann course. We show you step-by-step exactly how to determine with a simple mathematical formula when price and time square for any ticker in any time frame. Unless you're really good with square roots you will need a cheap calculator. To accelerate your learning speed we are making a beta version of the training software to draw the Roadmap Charts available at no cost to current and past purchasers of this ebook.
Using the Look-Ahead feature of this mathematical application of the Square of Nine, you could have determined to watch for a change in Crude's bullish trend less than 1 point from a major high.
So far as we know the totality of information in this ebook is not available from any other single source at any price. Included as appendices are excerpts from WD Gann's original works: "Why Geometrical Angles Work on Stocks," "The Master Mathematical Price, Time and Trend Calculator" and others.
June 2, 2003
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